 Ceramic pottery sherds found at Tsirege Pueblo. The pueblo, which dates to the Classic period of the Ancestral Pueblo cultural period, 1300-1600 AD/CE, consisted of hundreds of rooms. The Tsirege site (LA 170) also contains petroglyphs (ancient rock art) and cavates (small caves dug out of canyon walls, suitable for living).

As part of the environmental protection program, LANL specialists oversee and manage the Laboratory's cultural resources programs. Several laws, including the National Historic Preservation Act, and various regulations establish the policy, standards, and processes that govern LANL's resources management activities.

In the course of their environmental management activities, LANL cultural resource specialists:

  • Evaluate impacts to cultural resources
  • Assess ecological risk
  • Prepare environmental assessments, cultural resources reports, and mitigation plans
LANL cultural resource specialists evaluate impacts to cultural resources, assess ecological risk, and prepare environmental assessments and mitigation plans.

Environmental planning

One of the primary responsibilities of cultural resource specialists is to assist LANL organizations with effective environmental planning and decision-making by developing environmental planning documents. Staff also assist LANL's operational groups in developing and implementing compliance assurance programs.

The New Mexico town of Los Alamos is situated on the Pajarito Plateau on the eastern flank of the Jemez Mountains. Small caves are common along the base of the Jemez Mountains.

Cultural resource documents

